Refer to Scott's YouTube Channel using the button below for the latest 2024 updates!
Instead of creating more posts here on our Website, we decided to focus completely on our YouTube Channel as your go-to Resource. Click the button below and learn some master Teachings from Scott Haug.
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        March 17th, 2023
This is how you remain in faith even when you feel like giving up!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        March 15th, 2023
Are you willing to get extremely uncomfortable to receive your BIG goals? 
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        March 13th, 2023
Master Manifesting Key: Energy Loops! - SPECIAL EDITION
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        March 10th, 2023
This is how you know you are about to quantum leap! [LAW OF ATTRACTION]
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        March 8th, 2023
Practice emotional rampage for effortless manifestation (Abraham Hicks)

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        March 6th, 2023
Master Law Of Attraction Visual - (Manifestation Visual Exercise!!)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        March 3rd, 2023
This is why the ‘HOW’ does not matter [BOB PROCTOR STICK FIGURE DIAGRAM]
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        March 1st, 2023
How to manifest your goals [LAW OF ATTRACTION] This is amazing!!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        February 27th, 2023
Play Manifestation Big - In this Special Edition video, you'll learn how to play BIG!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        February 24th, 2023
How to use this emotional latter for your manifestations [ABRAHAM HICKS]
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        February 22nd, 2023
This is why understanding your self-concept thermostat is so important!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        February 20th, 2023
Create a $250,000+ / Year Coaching Business (Certified Manifestation Coach)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        February 17th, 2023
How to apply the concept of yourself for success - NEVILLE GODDARD

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        February 15th, 2023
Everything changes when you change the concept of who you are!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        February 13th, 2023
BEYOND Law of Attraction - SPECIAL EDITION (This Is Amazing!)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        February 10th, 2023
This is what “controls” the experience you are living in right now (Law of Attraction)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        February 8th, 2023
The ONLY technique you need to know to create the reality YOU want!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        February 6th, 2023
Success Story - Larry (Manifested Winning $27,000 In The LOTTERY)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        February 3rd, 2023
This is how your goal has already been manifested! (Neville Goddard)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        February 1st, 2023
Is “NOW” really the only time that we have? [Creation is Finished]
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        January 30th, 2023
Law Of Attraction Myth You Need To Know - SPECIAL EDITION!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        January 27th, 2023
What would the Universe do? - [NEVILLE GODDARD TEACHINGS]
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        January 25th, 2023
Are you paying attention to your Mind? [Consciousness] - LAW OF ATTRACTION
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        January 23rd, 2023
A Super Key Of Manifestation - SPECIAL EDITION VIDEO
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        January 20th, 2023
This is why what you believe about yourself is crucial for your manifestations!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        January 18th, 2023
How your internal conversations can help or hinder your reality!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        January 16th, 2023
2023 Secrets For A Successful Year - SPECIAL EDITION VIDEO
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        January 13th, 2023
This will help you manifest what you want [CONSCIOUSNESS]
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        January 11th, 2023
Are you on the verge of unleashing your power? [Law of Attraction]

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        January 9th, 2023
How your consciousness creates your reality (Neville Goddard)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        January 6th, 2023
Steps on how to let go of the past in an empowering way - THIS WORKS AMAZING!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        January 4th, 2023
“How do I manifest an extra $27,000?” (Coaching Call) - Law Of Attraction
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        January 2nd, 2023
This is the way to create new beliefs [NEVILLE GODDARD]

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        December 30th, 2022
Should you keep your desires a secret? FIND OUT NOW!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        December 28th, 2022
This Law of Attraction Technique will help you with your Manifestations!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        December 26th, 2022
Success Story - Viren (Manifested a Complete His Dream Job & A New Car)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        December 23rd, 2022
How to transition into a new identity (Your Invisible Power by G.B.)

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        December 21st, 2022
The Invisible Power that helps you manifest (Your Invisible Power by G.B.)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        December 19th, 2022
Give The Law of Attraction A Chance To Work - SPECIAL EDITION
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        December 16th, 2022
A key to manifesting your desires (Feeling) - THIS WORKS!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        December 14th, 2022
Steps on How to Perfect the End Scene - THIS WORKS AMAZING!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        December 12th, 2022
Success Story - Wayne Bass (Manifested 7 Clients & $10,500 & $1,400 in 28 Days)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        December 9th, 2022
How would you like to manifest your desires in the next 40 days?
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        December 7th, 2022
This is how you get a sale in business (Neville Goddard) - LAW OF ATTRACTION
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        December 5th, 2022
Parallel Reality Manifesting Secrets - SPECIAL EDITION!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        December 2nd, 2022
This is why your Manifestations are not here yet! [Neville Goddard]
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        November 30th, 2022
Effortless Manifestation with Neville Goddard - THIS IS AMAZING!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        November 28th, 2022
Super IMPORTANT Law of Attraction Quick Exercise - LOA
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        November 25th, 2022
This is how you can change energy to create your reality [Neville Goddard]

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        November 23rd, 2022
5 quick tips to crush your goals - YOU WANT TO HEAR THIS!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        November 21st, 2022
Success Story - John & Antoinette (Manifested $50k & 13 Clients in 7 DAYS!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        November 18th, 2022
This is the easiest way to get out of feeling stuck! Law Of Attraction
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        November 16th, 2022
How would you like to serve others? - THIS REALLY WORKS!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        November 14th, 2022
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        November 11th, 2022
Do This To Wake Up Everyday with Exhilaration To Crush Your Goals!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        November 9th, 2022
What ‘Jazzes’ You Up? - Your Lifestyle Vision {Law of Attraction)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        November 7th, 2022

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        November 4th, 2022
Do this to stop feeling stuck right away! (Law of Attraction)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        November 2nd, 2022
This is how you change your “inner chatter” to create your reality! [Neville Goddard]
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        October 31st, 2022
My #1 Manifestation Exercise - THIS DOES WORK!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        October 28th, 2022
Do THIS To Shift Your Reality Right Now (Law of Attraction)

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        October 26th, 2022
How do you control your destiny if all creation is finished? [Neville Goddard]
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        October 24th, 2022
The Two SECRETS To Attracting In What You Want!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        October 21st, 2022
Creation Is Finished - You don’t need to know 'HOW' it will happen!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        October 19th, 2022
Understand THIS to never worry or doubt yourself again! [Neville Goddard]

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        October 17th, 2022
Let’s get REAL about Law of Attraction! [Law of Attraction]
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        October 14th, 2022
This is the Law that dictates the exact amount of money you earn (LOC)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        October 12th, 2022
How you can start to believe that money is simple to earn! (Law of Attraction)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        October 10th, 2022
[MONEY] Change your Thoughts, Feelings & Actions!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        October 7th, 2022
Is Money your Friend or Enemy?! [[Law of Attraction]]
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        October 5th, 2022
The "BIG" Money thinking process! (Think and Grow Rich)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        October 3rd, 2022
MONEY! Secrets To Manifesting Money - Law of Attraction
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        September 30th, 2022
(Stick Figure Diagram): Do this to Achieve Your Desires even with Resistance!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        September 28th, 2022
Bob Proctor: This is how you know your Manifestations are unfolding perfectly
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        September 26th, 2022
(Stick Figure Diagram): How Your Subconscious Mind works just like your Phone!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        September 23rd, 2022
The only SECRET you need to know to manifest your desires RIGHT NOW
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        September 21st, 2022
This is why manifesting is not working out for you (Neville Goddard)

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        September 19th, 2022
(Neville Goddard) Experiencing up & down results & what to do about it!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        September 16th, 2022
How you put your goals into your Subconscious Mind (Neville Goddard)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        September 14th, 2022
Bob Proctor: Do this to have great things happening in your life everyday!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        September 12th, 2022
LOA - How to switch from an old paradigm to a new ABUNDANT one!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        September 9th, 2022
Bob Proctor: How you can create more EASE in your life instead of Dis-Ease!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        September 7th, 2022
Bob Proctor: This is why people stay STUCK and what to do about it!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        September 5th, 2022
This is why some of your beliefs are complete BS and how you can change them!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        September 2nd, 2022
Manifest 10X MORE MONEY! Using this Law & Formula (LOC)

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        August 31st, 2022
Manifest MONEY Now - Secret Money Thoughts (Abraham Hicks)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        August 29th, 2022
How To Use The Law of Compensation (and What It Is!)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        August 26th, 2022
Levels of Frequency - Your Feeling Precedes Physical Manifestations!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        August 24th, 2022
Bob Proctor: Law of Gender and Law of Compensation (LOA)

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        August 22nd, 2022
The Law of Cause & Effect & The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        August 19th, 2022
Bob Proctor: This is the most uncomfortable action to do! [LOA]
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        August 17th, 2022
Bob Proctor: This is how you can QUANTUM LEAP your life right now: (LOA)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        August 15th, 2022
Bob Proctor: Do this to live in HARMONY with the Laws Of The Universe!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        August 12th, 2022
The MASTER KEY to your Manifestations! The FEELING (Law of Attraction)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        August 10th, 2022
BIG THINKING: Manifesting by changing your focus (ATTENTION)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        August 8th, 2022
How To Gain Faster Progress Using Law of Attraction: ATTENTION (Neville G.)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        August 5th, 2022
SECRET KEY to UNLIMITED Manifestations!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        August 3rd, 2022
Creating GOOD LUCK In Your Life, Follow THIS (Faith / Think & Grow Rich)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        August 1st, 2022
Manifesting: This Understanding Is A MUST! (Faith / Think & Grow Rich)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        July 29th, 2022
FAITH - Do THIS & Win BIGGER (Subconscious Mind with Think & Grow!)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        July 27th, 2022
Manifesting: Increase Your RICHES (Think and Grow Rich)!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        July 25th, 2022
The Law of Compensation - Attract Success with High Impact Actions!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        July 22nd, 2022
Begin Telling Your New Money Story (Law of Attraction) - Abraham Hicks!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        July 20th, 2022
The Law of Attraction matches like Desires (Deliberate Creation)!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        July 18th, 2022
Get on the FREQUENCY! The words you need to believe, LISTEN to this!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        July 15th, 2022
More on Letting & Allowing (Gratitude, Receiving, Emotion)!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        July 13th, 2022
YOUR KEY to Manifesting: Letting & Allowing (how to)!!!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        July 11th, 2022
THIS will attract in SUCCESS - Believing and changing Habitual Thoughts
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        July 8th, 2022
Attract WEALTH & RESULTS with this KEY Ease your manifesting resistance!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        July 6th, 2022
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        July 4th, 2022
This works SO good! Manifest anything you want, you MUST try this!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on        July 1st, 2022
Attract & Manifest FAST… Awareness expansion and BELIEF (Law of Attraction)!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on       June 29th, 2022
The GOLDEN FORMULA For Manifesting! Attract success NOW with this!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on       June 27th, 2022
Can you manifest QUICKLY? Use these levels of vibration (with Neville Goddard)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on       June 24th, 2022
AMAZING Manifestation Advice - Use This NOW! (Neville Goddard)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on       June 22nd, 2022
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on       June 20th, 2022
Attract SUCCESS NOW - The Secret "Effortless Way" (Neville Goddard)

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on       June 17th, 2022
Law of Attraction TURBO RESULTS MEDITATION | 60 Minute Affirmation!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on       June 15th, 2022
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on       June 13th, 2022
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on       June 10th, 2022
Why I DON'T Drink Caffeine or Coffee Anymore ... and maybe YOU shouldn't!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on       June 8th, 2022
A MAGIC learning: See through Spiritual EYES [Neville Goddard]
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on       June 6th, 2022
Apply this to your life RIGHT AWAY! LOA shifting consciousness!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on       June 3rd, 2022
Here is a SECRET that most people don't know about! (Concentrated Observation)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on       June 1st, 2022
Law of Attraction SUCCESS STORY #7 - Aly 3X Her Income!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on       May 30th, 2022
Create Wealth & Success NOW With This Simple Understanding
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on       May 27th, 2022
Don't Worry That You're Worrying - Law of Attraction Neville Goddard
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on       May 25th, 2022
Feeling is the Universal Language - Manifest Anything | Neville Goddard
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on       May 23rd, 2022
Neville Goddard | Law of Assumption | Creation Is Finished & Parallel universes

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on       May 20th, 2022
Hidden Neville Goddard "I AM" Statements: Become ALL Of What You Can Be!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on       May 18th, 2022
Rearrange Your Mind - Neville Goddard Manifesting!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on       May 16th, 2022
Neville Goddard Manifestation Technique - "Secret" and Highly Effective
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on       May 13th, 2022
Permanent Awareness - Manifesting Anything with Neville Goddard!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on       May 11th, 2022
I AM - Neville Goddard - How To Manifest (Consciousness)!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on       May 9th, 2022
Tour Our Miami Home Condo with Scott Haug! You're Going To Love This!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on       May 6th, 2022
This HONESTLY WORKS so well! ✨ LOA Method that ACTUALLY works!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on       May 4th, 2022
✨ Manifest ANYTHING that you want in LESS THAN 5 DAYS✨ Neville

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on       May 2nd, 2022
Manifesting Money through Identity Shifting - THIS WORKS!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on      April 29th, 2022
Manifesting Riches: DO THIS NOW To Stop Procrastination (Part 3)!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on      April 27th, 2022
Manifesting Riches: The Science Of Getting Rich - Thinking PROSPERITY!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on      April 25th, 2022
Manifesting Riches: The Science Of Getting Rich-The First Step To Getting Rich!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on      April 22nd, 2022
Manifesting Money through Cleaning Your Energy Field - Money On The Beach!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on      April 20th, 2022
Neville Goddard Secrets - Creation Is Finished (Law of Assumption)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on      April 18th, 2022
Manifestation Secrets - Complete Guide To Manifesting Anything!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on      April 15th, 2022
Manifesting Meditation - Overcome Procrastination | Repeated Affirmation!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on      April 13th, 2022
Constructing YOUR OWN Money Affirmation - Manifest Money!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on      April 11th, 2022
Letting & Allowing Secrets - Law Of Attraction [EASY TECHNIQUE!]
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on      April 8th, 2022
The Truth About Condo Life - Spend a day with Scott in his personal vlog!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on      April 6th, 2022
A SECRET Technique To Manifest Anything You Desire [Law of Attraction]

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on      April 4th, 2022
Manifesting Money through Service - LAW OF ATTRACTION!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on      April 1st, 2022
Manifesting Through ONE Affirmation WITH Feeling [EASY TECHNIQUE!]
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on    March 30th, 2022
You Are NOT Alone In Mindset & Law of Attraction Study!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on    March 28th, 2022
Law of Attraction Meditation - Speed Up Your Manifestations!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on    March 25th, 2022
Some Of My Favorite Books - Spend a day with Scott in his personal vlog!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on    March 23rd, 2022
Law of Attraction Meditation - EXPECTING POSITIVE MIRACLES!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on    March 21st, 2022
Neville Goddard - MANIFEST WITH EASE - Arranging The Cause!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on    March 18th, 2022
My Dragon Collection! Spend a day with Scott in his personal vlog!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on    March 16th, 2022
Neville Goddard - 'I AM' - Shifting Your Consciousness!!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on    March 14th, 2022
BEST MONEY TECHNIQUE To Raise Money Vibration!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on    March 11th, 2022
Manifesting Money through Law of Assumption! THIS WORKS!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on    March 9th, 2022
Law of Attraction Meditation - Manifesting $10,000 Per Month!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on    March 7th, 2022
Abraham Hicks - Do THIS For 7 Days (Manifest Using A New Story)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on    March 4th, 2022
Overcoming Procrastination Secrets - LAW OF ATTRACTION!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on    March 2nd, 2022
Law of Attraction Meditation - Manifesting $100,000 Per Month!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on February 28th, 2022
Manifesting NOW: Just DO THIS For 3 Days Straight! IT WORKS!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on February 25th, 2022
Neville Goddard - Awaken Inner Movement [Law Of Attraction] 
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on February 23rd, 2022
Neville Goddard - Highways Of Your Inner World | Manifesting!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on February 21st, 2022
Neville Goddard - Construct Mentally A Drama (How To Manifest Anything)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on February 18th, 2022
5 Elements To The Law of Assumption - DON'T MISS THIS!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on February 16th, 2022
This Is Why You Are NOT Manifesting (You Need To Do THIS Instead!)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on February 14th, 2022
A MAGIC Exercise To Manifest Anything You Want!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on February 11th, 2022
Manifesting: The GOLDEN KEY To Next Level Manifestations!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on February 9th, 2022
How To Handle 3D Reality While Manifesting - MUST WATCH!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on February 7th, 2022
10 Elements To Master Manifesting What You Desire!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on February 4th, 2022
Get Rid Of These 2 Dumb Limiting Beliefs! THIS WORKS!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on February 2nd, 2022
Thoughts To Avoid In Manifestation - LAW OF ATTRACTION!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on January 31st, 2022
Ever Felt Like You Were So Different From Anyone Else?!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on January 28th, 2022
Law of Attraction Meditation - Manifesting $200,000 Per Month |
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on January 26th, 2022
Law of Attraction Meditation - I Am Now A Multi-Millionaire |
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on January 24th, 2022
Law of Attraction Meditation - A Million Dollars | Repeated Affirmations!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on January 21st, 2022
Manifest Anything You Desire | Law of Attraction Meditation |

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on January 19th, 2022
Increasing Your Focus In 2022 - Manifest Faster Results!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on January 17th, 2022
How I Manifested $10,000 In One Week - Law of Assumption Secrets!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on January 14th, 2022
Never Make This Embarrassing Manifestation Mistake!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on January 12th, 2022
How To Start Manifesting Even While Feeling Frustrated!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on January 10th, 2022
This Is Why You Shouldn't Take It Out On The Universe!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on January 7th, 2022
Manifestation Exercises To Create New Self-Image [Law Of Attraction]
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on January 5th, 2022
Manifesting: Shifting Your Self-Image In Your Subconscious Mind!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on January 3rd, 2022
How To Increase Results By Changing Your Core Beliefs Using Law Of Attraction!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on December 31st, 2021
Manifesting: Stepping Into More Flow (Giving CREDIT To The Universe)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on December 29th, 2021
SCRIPTING Manifestation - Activating The Law of Attraction With Writing!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on December 27th, 2021
BEST Manifesting Explanation! [MUST WATCH 2022!]
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on December 24th, 2021
The Mindset Shift That Changed My Life (IMPORTANT!)

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on December 22nd, 2021
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on December 20th, 2021
Powerful Law of Attraction Technique - Comparison Game
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on December 17th, 2021
Manifesting: Just Do THIS For One Week Straight! THIS WORKS!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on December 15th, 2021
Law of Attraction Simplified!
Law of attraction work for you in a very simple process!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on December 13th, 2021
Why The LAW OF ATTRACTION Isn't Working For YOU (Hidden Secrets)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on December 10th, 2021
The Most Powerful Manifestation Method! #Shorts
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on December 8th, 2021
The Mantra To Live In Harmony With The Universe #Shorts
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on December 6th, 2021
How To Live In Harmony With The Universe! 

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on December 3rd, 2021
Steps To Believing That You Can Have The Big Money (Manifesting) - Episode 5
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on December 1st, 2021
Eliminate Your Limited Money Thinking [Law Of Attraction Mastery] Ep. 4
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on November 29th, 2021
Money Manifestation Healing - SHIFTING TO A HIGHER BANK ACCOUNT!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on November 26th, 2021
The Only Manifestation Course You Will Ever Need #shorts

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on November 24th, 2021
2 MORE Reasons Why Manifestations Don't Happen #shorts
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on November 22nd, 2021
3 Reasons Why Manifestations Don't Happen #shorts
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on November 19th, 2021
Certified Manifestation Coach - How To Enroll When Money Is Tight!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on November 17th, 2021
How To Manifest: Ignore the facts (and example!) [MUST TRY!]

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on November 15th, 2021
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on November 12th, 2021
GRATITUDE Manifestation MEDITATION | 60 Minute Repeated Affirmation!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on November 10th, 2021
How To Use Your Mind To Manifest A New Life [Law of Attraction - Super Powerful!]
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on November 8th, 2021
Why You SHOULD Get Started Coaching Even WITH NO Experience!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on November 5th, 2021
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on November 3rd, 2021
How Long Does It Take To Get Your First Manifestation Client?
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on November 1st, 2021
How Does Certified Manifestation Coach Work? How Do You Get Started?
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on October 29th, 2021
Don't Think From Your Past Focus On Forward Manifest Thinking #shorts

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on October 27th, 2021
Find The Limiting Ideas In Your Consciousness Mind #shorts
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on October 25th, 2021
Accepting An Idea To Manifest It Into Reality #shorts
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on October 22nd, 2021
Focus on General Success Concepts - (Magic Formula to Manifest Anything-Part 6)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on October 20th, 2021
Dissolve Your Manifesting Roadblocks - (Magic Formula to Manifest - Part 5)

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on October 18th, 2021
Know The Magic Forces Helping You - (Magic Formula to Manifest - Part 4)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on October 15th, 2021
The Secret to Impressing The Idea - (Magic Formula to Manifest Anything! Part 3)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on October 13th, 2021
Forming The Secret Picture - (Magic Formula to Manifest Anything! Part 2)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on October 11th, 2021
Know Yourself Manifesting Secrets (Magic Formula to Manifest Anything! Part 1)

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on October 8th, 2021
Manifesting Blocks: Identifying them & dissolving them!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on October 6th, 2021
Law of Attraction Not Working? DO THIS! IT WORKS!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on October 4th, 2021
Using Invisible Forces To Manifest (Super Helpful!) - Episode 2
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on October 1st, 2021
3 Tips To Manifest Anything! (using the Law of Attraction!) 

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on September 29th, 2021
The Fastest Way To Manifest Money [EASY Method!] WATCH THIS!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on September 27th, 2021
The SECRET That Changed The Manifestation Game For Me!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on September 24th, 2021
How To Prepare Your Place - Manifestation Secrets to Activate Law of Attraction 
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on September 22nd, 2021
"I'm Me & I Own It!" Manifesting Money Confidently [BEST 2021]

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on September 20th, 2021
Manifesting: The Connecting Link You MUST Know!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on September 17th, 2021
How To Be More Consistent (You WILL Get Better Results With This)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on September 15th, 2021
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on September 13th, 2021
What Is Manifestation Coaching? How Do You Get Into It?

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on September 10th, 2021
BEST Manifestation Course For Manifesting Money - Part 6 / 6
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on September 8th, 2021
Manifesting Money & Clients FAST & EASY - Open The Channels - Part 5 / 6
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on September 6th, 2021
Use THIS to Increase Your VIBRATION to Attract Money & Clients - Part 4 / 6
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on September 3rd, 2021
Do THIS & You Will Manifest An Abundance of Money & Clients - Part 3 / 6

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on September 1st, 2021
How To Get Clients Using LOA - The Universe Will Deliver - Part 2 / 6
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on August 30th, 2021
How To Attract A LOT MORE Customers Into Your Business! Part 1 / 6
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on August 27th, 2021
What if you could? BEST thinking to attract what you want NOW!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on August 25th, 2021
Secrets To Manifesting MONEY FAST 2021! Listen To This!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on August 23rd, 2021
The Most Powerful Technique To Increase Belief [WORKS FAST!]
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on August 20th, 2021
3 Ways To Stop DOUBTING Your Manifestations - Manifest What You Want!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on August 18th, 2021
How To Attract $10,000 To You [Quick Results!] LAW OF ATTRACTION
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on August 16th, 2021
INFINITE Possible Futures - If You Can Think It You Can Manifest It (Episode 1)

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on August 13th, 2021
Manifesting - Morning Routine Technique #3 - LISTENING FOR IDEAS!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on August 11th, 2021
Why Affirmations Don't Always Work & What To Do That's WAY BETTER!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on August 9th, 2021
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on August 6th, 2021
Money Manifestation Accountability - 10 Day Plan (Series 12 / 12)

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on August 4th, 2021
How To Open The Channels For Money To Manifest Fast (Series 11 / 12)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on August 2nd, 2021
See Yourself With Lots Of Money [Manifesting Money Exercises] (Series 10 / 12)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on July 30th, 2021
Creating Your Money Consciousness - Shifting Money Vibration (Series 9/12
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on July 28th, 2021
Manifesting Inner Energy Keys - Law of Attraction (Series 8 / 12)

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on July  26th, 2021
Cleaning Your Outer Energy To Manifest Money Now (Series 7 / 12)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on July  23rd, 2021
How To Manifest Your Dream Home In 5 Steps (PROVEN 2021 METHOD!)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on July 21st, 2021
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on July 19th, 2021
Change Your VIBRATION To Have The Universe Deliver NOW!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on July  16th, 2021
Manifesting - Morning Routine Technique #2 - GRATITUDE
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on July  14th, 2021
Manifest Money Like A Machine! (EASY and FAST!) Watch Here!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on July 12th, 2021
How To Manifest BIG Things QUICKLY! Check This Out!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on July 9th, 2021

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on July  7th, 2021
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on July  5th, 2021
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on July 2nd, 2021
Why Money Concepts Are Your Master Key To Money Manifestation (Series 6 / 6)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on June 30th, 2021
How To Shift Your Money Frequency - Levels of Money Vibration (Series 5/6)

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on June  28th, 2021
Live In Your Money Manifestations Now! (Series 4 / 6) - A Six-Part Training!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on June  25th, 2021
Exact 5 Step Money Manifesting Method (Series 3 / 6) - A Six-Part Training!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on June 23rd, 2021
How To "Activate" Money To You (Series 2 / 6) - A Six-Part Training Series!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on June 21st, 2021
Manifesting Money The Right Way (Series 1 / 6) - A Six-Part Training Series!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on June  18th, 2021
Tap Into Infinite Power Of Source Energy - Part III (Manifesting Secrets!)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on June  16th, 2021
Tap Into Infinite Power Of Source Energy - Part II (Manifesting Secrets!)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on June 14th, 2021
Tap Into Infinite Power Of Source Energy - Part I (Manifesting Secrets!)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on June 11th, 2021
Manifesting - Morning Routine Technique #1 - I AM's

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on June  9th, 2021
GRAND FORMULA for Law of Attraction [FOLLOW THIS!]
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on June  7th, 2021
Law Of Attraction SUCCESS STORY #6 - Lee Manifesting A Job Promotion & MORE!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on June 4th, 2021
Trying to make everything perfect BEFORE starting? Do THIS instead!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on June 2nd, 2021
3 Law of Attraction Quick Hacks | Takes Less Than 5min Per Day!

Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on May  31st, 2021
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on May  28th, 2021
Law Of Attraction SUCCESS STORY #5 - Edna Manifesting $10,000 
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on May 26th, 2021
3 MORE Unexpected SIGNS Your Manifestations Are On The Way | EXCITING!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on May 24th, 2021
The Law of Attraction Explained (Hidden Secrets Revealed)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on May 21st, 2021
How to manifest money easier & faster with this Rapid Money Manifestation!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on May  19th, 2021
(FULL GUIDE!) Manifesting Step-By-Step Guide: All the steps you need to know!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on May 17th, 2021
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on May 14th, 2021
[FUNNY!] Manifestation Wrongs Don't Do These wrongs that most people do!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on May 12th, 2021
Manifesting Money: Using Law of Compensation [USE THIS!]
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on May  10th, 2021
LOA SUCCESS STORY #4 - Sheila Manifesting 20 new client memberships fast!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on May 7th, 2021
How To Build Your Self Image & Legendary Story & how to apply them today!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on May 5th, 2021
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on May 3rd, 2021
Law Of Attraction SUCCESS STORY #3 - Emma Manifesting $20k Per Mo!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on April  30th, 2021
How To Manifest: How To Manifest: Keys You NEED To Know!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on April 28th, 2021
3 Unexpected SIGNS Your Manifestations Are On The Way!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on April 26th, 2021
ONE HABIT That Will Upgrade Your Reality! DO THIS!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on April 23rd, 2021
Manifesting Meditation: UNIVERSE IS MY SOURCE OF SUPPLY | 60 Minute
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on April  21st, 2021
How to manifest - SCRIPTING Technique Explained Easy
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on April 19th, 2021
Law Of Attraction SUCCESS STORY #2 - Clara Manifesting $4,550 In 1mo
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on April 16th, 2021
Law of Attraction SPEED UP RESULTS MEDITATION | 60 Minute Affirmation!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on April 14th, 2021
Law Of Attraction SUCCESS STORY #1 - Brandon Manifesting $16,000 In 1mo
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on April  12th, 2021
Manifesting MONEY: 3 Essential Keys (REAL RESULTS FAST)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on April 9th, 2021
How I Manifested Money In 5 DAYS - Manifesting Method THAT WORKS!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on April 7th, 2021
Activate Higher Vibrations - Manifesting Through A Change In Thinking
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on April 5th, 2021
Law of Attraction BANK ACCOUNT MONEY MANIFESTING Meditation!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on April  2nd, 2021
Mastering Manifestation - How To Manifest Things Into Your Life (MASTER
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on March 31st, 2021
Becoming The Greatest You - Combining Your PURPOSE, Why, Motivation
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on March 29th, 2021
How To Manifest Clients & Sales [IN 24 HOURS OF LESS!] | Raise Your Vibration
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on March 26th, 2021
Manifesting Affirmation To Manifest ANYTHING You Want | Listen For 21 Days!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on March 24th, 2021
Raise Your Money Vibrations EASILY | Attracting Money Using The Law of Attraction
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on March 22nd, 2021
Manifesting: Full Step-By-Step Guide 2021 (EXTREMELY VALUABLE!)
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on March 19th, 2021
Manifesting - I Remember When Technique [INSTANT RESULTS]
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on March 17th, 2021
Make The Law of Attraction Work For You - Bridge Of Incidents
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on March 15th, 2021
Manifest Money At RAPID SPEED! Law of Attraction Technique
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on March 12th, 2021
Manifesting - 3 Energy Techniques To Activate Law of Attraction
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on March 10th, 2021
Law Of Attraction Letting Go - 3 EASY Keys To Letting & Allowing
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on March 8th, 2021
The #1 Destructive Block For Law of Attraction and Manifestation!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on March 5th, 2021
Manifesting Money EASY & FAST: Using The Infinite Storehouse Of Riches!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on March 3rd, 2021
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on March 1st, 2021
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on February 26th, 2021
The #1 Manifestation Experiment For The Law of Attraction (100% RESULT) 
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on February 24th, 2021
Manifesting ANYTHING Using Past Revision CHECK THIS OUT 🌟
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on February 22nd, 2021
3 Steps To Manifest INSTANTLY | Exact Formula 🔑💎
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on February 19th, 2021
Manifesting New Beliefs And How To Crush Mental Limitations 💪
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on February 17th, 2021
How I Manifest Anything EASILY Using RAMPAGING: Manifesting Methods
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on February 15th, 2021
The Whole Manifesting Process FINALLY Explained | Bridge of Incidents ✅
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on February 12th, 2021
❌ STOP Chasing Money & Sales - ✅ Do This Instead! [Law of Attraction]
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on February 10th, 2021
3 Unexpected Manifesting Things You MUST DO: What To Do After Imagining
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on February 8th, 2021
Law of Attraction Miracle MANIFESTING MEDITATION!
Written by Scott Haug on February 5th, 2021
The Most Powerful Technique To Manifest What You Want Instantly!
Written by Scott Haug on February 3rd, 2021
How To Become A Manifesting Master! Law Of Attraction!
Manifestation Course
Written by Scott Haug on February 1st, 2021
How To Manifest Money Fast! The Exact Step By Step Formula
Written by Scott Haug on Sept. 8th, 2020
How your beliefs and expectations play a huge role in the Law Of Attraction.
Written by Scott Haug on July 15th, 2020
Key Step On How To Let Go And Allow your desires into your life!
Written by Scott Haug on July 8th, 2020
How to stop "blocking" your desires from coming true. A quick tip for you!
Written by Scott Haug on July 7th, 2020
How I manifested $10,000 in a weekend and how you can too!
Written by Scott Haug on July 6th, 2020
Use this proven system to manifest your desires! IT WORKS!
Written by Scott Haug on June 22nd, 2020
How My Client Manifested $6,000 Effortlessly by using these 3 core steps!
Written by Scott Haug on June 18th, 2020
How To Attract Your Manifestations Effortlessly by gaining clarity!
Written by Scott Haug on June 10th, 2020
How to manifest - (3) quick tips on manifesting what you desire. 
Written by Scott Haug on June 9th, 2020
Reading this book quantum leaped his business & how it can for you too!
Written by Scott Haug on June 8th, 2020
How Would You Like To Really Double Your Business Success?
Written by Scott Haug on June 2nd, 2020
One step on how to start attracting more goodness into your life!
Written by Scott Haug on June 1st, 2020
5 simple steps that you can start applying right now to be a master manifestor!
Written by Scott Haug on May 29th, 2020
Focusing on the "application of the knowledge" so you can quantum leap your results!
Written by Scott Haug on May 25th, 2020
The exact easy steps to take to get clear on what it is that you want to manifest.
Written by Scott Haug on April 30th, 2020
How To Master Consistent Manifestations and predictable results! 
Written by Scott Haug on April 29th, 2019
How to upgrade aspects of your reality with (3) important parts. 
Written by Scott Haug on April 22nd, 2019
Using the Electromagnetic Spectrum understanding to achieve your goals!
Written by Scott Haug on March 28th, 2019
Self Motivation in 4 Easy Steps! Learn how to sustain motivation now.
Written by Scott Haug on March 6th, 2018
3 Keys To Manifesting Money! How to attract more abundance into your life! 
Written by Scott Haug on January 16th, 2019
Is there a process you can follow to achieve your 2019 goal? You sure bet there is!
Written by Scott Haug on January 14th, 2019
After attending this 3.5 day seminar this past weekend, I put together a list!
Written by Scott Haug on November 28th, 2018
How do you stay motivated? In this blog post, we cover the 5 keys to self motivation!
Written by Scott Haug on October 25th, 2018
What is the "Golden Formula" for manifestation? It's surprisingly simple!
Written by Scott Haug on October 11th, 2018
These 5 tips are very valuable! Apply even just 1 out of the 5 tips & you'll win.
Written by Scott Haug on September 20th, 2018
Can you quantum leap your physical progress? Absolutely, if you know this.
Written by Scott Haug on February 15th, 2018
It seems there is an invisible wall in front of the success, wealth, and happiness.
Written by Scott Haug on February 12th, 2018
You have a goal in mind and have taken action to figure out what you want. Good! 

Bring Your Life & Business To The Next Level with our Energetics Program!

Master Deep Manifestation (Energetics), exit your stuck 'energy loops' and taking your career to the highest level

Dive Deep Into Manifestation Energetics: 1-on-1 Mentoring with Scott, LIVE Coaching every week, a Soul Tribe, and a proven 5 Step Energetics System

  • Exit stuck energy loops around Abundance and Success
  • ​​Learn How To Have Soul Manifestations Happen
  • ​​Work 1-on-1 with Scott on Deep Energetics Realignment Work
  • ​Get LIVE guidance on a complete subconscious reprogram
  • Release old trauma's in 15min that are causing your limiting beliefs
  • ​Learn exactly how to enroll ideal clients consistently
  • Shift your Identity (Frequency) in 5min a day
  • Have the Business Vehicle to Create $100,000+ Income Months
  • ​Have the licensing rights to use our Manifestation Accelerator course
  • ​Align with your Million Dollar Soul Tribe
  • Create time and money freedom for yourself and family
  • ​​Become Certified as a Manifestation Coach if you desire to
  • Fulfill your purpose and create your Legendary Legacy

Join in our⚡️Prosperity Magnet Course! This is a community group of Deep Manifestation Teachings taught by Scott himself.

  • 💸 Complete Law of Attraction 5 Step System (Value $4,997)
  • ​💸 5 Day Challenge to Manifest $1,000+ (Value $2,997)
  • ​💸 LIVE Coaching & Q&A (Value $4,997)
  • ​🎁 Bonus: How to Create a $20,000/mo RECURRING Income (step by step) (Value $10,997)
  • ​🎁 Bonus: Parallel Reality Shifting Masterclass (Value $1,997)
  • ​🎁 Bonus: High Frequency Soul Tribe Community (Priceless)
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