Full Transcript
You remember in lesson one, Bob said, are we able and willing? And hands down, all of us are like, yeah, I'm willing. Of course I'm willing to do whatever it takes. Are you, am I, are you willing to get an extremely uncomfortable every day and allow chaos into your life? Little disorder? Another paragraph down here, A quantum leap by definition means moving into uncharted territory with no guide to follow you personally. Draw the map as you go. Look at it this way. You're not supposed to be concerned about what happens in the middle of a jump. You're supposed to be thinking about where you're going to land.
Alright. Where are we taking this? How do you apply it? How can you apply this?
What does this mean for you? Most times your goal isn't big enough. Most times your idea isn't big enough. Kind of stuck in the mundaneness. If you're not hopping outta bed in the morning, it's because two reasons. Number one, your goal isn't energizing you and it really has not grabbed an emotional side of you. Or number two, your goal is perfect, but you don't expect it to happen. I'll say it again. Your energy levels throughout the day, you are getting outta bed. Those types of things. Your energy, whether it's calmness or downness, if you will. Number one, it's cuz the goal doesn't grab you. It's not the right goal. It just doesn't, like, you're just not energized by it. Or number two, it is the perfect goal for you. It is energized. You love it, but you don't expect it to happen.
Hopefully you got that hopeful. You grab that one. Is everyone got that so far? I, I know we're taking some pauses here today. Throwing a lot of stuff at you. Pretty good.
Nick, you So I'm at that point, at this point right now. Glad you're touching on this, Jim and Lor. Yeah. intuitively, I, I picked that up. I was like, yeah, I think a lot of us are going through quantum leaps. We just want to remember these ideas. We.
Manifestation Coach, Manifestation Program