Meet Scott Haug: Top Mindset & Manifestation Mentor, Creator of the 5 Step Manifestation System

Scott Haugs Coaching Story
Hi, I'm Scott Haug, and I'd like to share with you a little bit of my story.

I grew up in upstate New York in a Martial Arts family (I earned my Black Belt in Karate at Age 10) and was on track for the "average life" leaving high school.

Meaning, the path of "go to college, earn a great grade-point-average, and get a well-paying job."

I did just that. Since I was great in math and science, I went to school (getting into $100,000+ in student loan debt) and got a degree in both Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering. Upon earning that 3.83/4.00 GPA, I landed a job in a distinguished engineering company.

I thought and felt like a "success", as I did everything I thought I was supposed to do and thought life was pretty well set...
Bob Proctor and Scott Haug
Bob Proctor and Scott Haug
Something felt out of place 2015
As soon as I started that first job, I felt completely lost inside.

And I had no idea why...

After several months of going to that job every day, I felt like something was dying within me. I couldn't explain what I felt or why I felt it, but it was there eating away at me.

I started to express what I was feeling to others and they thought I was crazy... "just give it time," "it's just because you are new"...

But I couldn't stand it any longer.

I worked up the courage to resign and leave the job even though it paid very well, I was in a very prestigious leadership program, and everyone thought I was throwing my career away.
Fast forward in time 2016
Once I left that job, I knew I needed to change something. And a series of events took place:
  • I secured a new aerospace job!
     ...then the position got cancelled 5 days before my start date
  • I tried network marketing! ("the dream passive income!")
     ...I didn't make a dollar and hated the products I was selling
  • I built a business of "odd jobs" and "tutoring / sports coaching"!
     ...I made just enough money to support monthly living
  • I created a martial arts training business for actors!
     ...I trained a few actors only to again cover some monthly living costs
  • I designed a Udemy course with a few close friends!
     ...only to have us not understand how to market the course

I mean this cycle of business failures went on and on and on...
Bob Proctor and Scott Haug
Bob Proctor and Scott Haug
Finding the light
I was reading the self-help books, watching the YouTube videos...

Trying to understand how to apply Think and Grow Rich...

Living alone in Los Angeles with total confusion about my life path...

I knew what I was doing wasn't fully working, I needed help...

Enter Bob Proctor.

I sold my truck to go to a seminar he was having in Los Angeles, CA, on July 29th - 31st, 2016.

That seminar changed my life entirely. From the moment Bob stepped on stage, to the moment I decided to get coaching and invest my money into getting into a program he created, everything changed from that point.

I finally started to understand how to apply all the personal development knowledge and have coaches helping me along the way.

Results started to come with rapid speed, I finally was on track. I went from being stuck and frustrated to flowing with ease and happiness.
Quantum Leap 2017 - 2019
Quantum Leap seems to be an understatement:
  • Turned my annual income into my monthly income
  • Earning high 5-figures per month
  • Become a top 10 coach under Bob Proctor in less than 1.5 years
  • My body in the best shape it's ever been
  • Friends around the world, strong connections and relationships
  • Extremely successful mentors flowed into my life
  • Living a life fulfilled, full of ease, joy, and fun
  • Knowing exactly how I became successful & how to teach others
And stepping into more and more flow. Pictured to the right is the great Motivational Speaker Les Brown, who was a huge inspiration for me as I was getting my "start."

I went to several of his events, flying to places like Topeka, Kansas all the way to Los Angeles, California. "Randomly" (not really!) we walked past each other in a Whole Foods store. I say "randomly" because most people would say it was coincidence. But what if I told you I visualized and put this intention out a while back and it happened when I stepped my life up into a lot more flow?
Bob Proctor and Scott Haug
Scott Haug
Launch of a new Program in 2020
In February 2020, I qualified for the 5th time in Bob Proctor's "Inner Circle" of top consultants in the world. Furthermore, I am a "Silver Pin" Circle of Excellence member in 2019, which only a very small select group of people in the world have.

And in 2020, we helped over a 1,500 people through our brand new breakthrough program called The Manifestation Accelerator!

The Manifestation Accelerator has a process that I discovered called "The 5 Step Proven Manifestation System" that helps people actually apply the personal development knowledge to produce real-world results.

We have witnessed over 2,000 Money / Financial Wins from our members in this program within a 2 year time period. It's been extraordinary to witness!

Wins from $155 unexpected to $230,000 leaps in unexpected cashflow, the potential is endless!
Plant Medicine in 2021
In September, 2021, I embarked on my first plant medicine journey in Costa Rica at a well known retreat center, Rythmia.

During that stay and doing Ayahuasca 4 nights in a row, I had one of the greatest miracles in my life, though it came with one of the most difficult experiences too. Even with the experience being of EXTREME difficulty, I managed to have the courage to pull through and complete the journey.

The result? I cured what almost all doctors call 'incurable'... Motion Sickness. Motion Sickness was one of my biggest hold backs of life, I had it extreme. My earliest memories are of me getting sick in a vehicle and I couldn't get on a boat, airplane, or even in a car ride more than 20 minutes without feeling extreme nauseous.

After the retreat, I was completely healed from Motion Sickness (and a lot of other deep healing!).
Scott Haug
Scott Haug
Fast Forward To 2022 - 2023
I wanted to help those who are extremely passionate about helping & teaching others in personal development, while also healing themselves. So I created the Energetics Mentoring Program, where we do (1) Deep Healing, (2) Consciousness Rearrangement, and (3) Business Structuring to have a Quantum Leap transformation for every client.

In the program, I teach the combination of Energetics + Business Success, so that anyone with or without experience can quantum leap in their healing while doing what they love and earning an outstanding income doing it.

Built within it are the principles that have helped me achieve:
  • Earning over $120,000 in a single day (in 4 hours to be exact!)
  • ​Cure a 'non-curable' disease (very intense Motion Sickness)
  • ​Manifest a luxury condo In Miami overlooking the ocean
  • ​Earning 7-Figures in 1 year
  • ​...and so much more (more of my Story shared in my Events!)
Pictured here is me speaking at Les Brown's 2023 online event with other world-class speakers and coaches.
2024 Winning Skool Games
Here in 2024 we now have a combined 448,000+ Followers across all platforms. And our ⚡️Prosperity Magnet Skool group has become one of the #1 most engaged groups on the platform! We are currently ranked #18 out of 10,000+ communities.

Even better, in March 2024, we won the second official Skool Games (I was the 15th person in history to win) with Sam Ovens and Alex Hormozi (pictured to the right) by manifesting $18,000 in new Monthly Recurring Revenue ($200K/year) in just 28 days.

I flew to the Alex Hormozi headquarters in Las Vegas, Nevada and spent time with him and Sam Ovens with the other 9 Winners.
Scott Haug
Scott Haug
My Teachers
After investing about $700,000 into my Personal Growth in Mentorships, coaching, retreats, seminars, programs, and courses, I provide an enormous credit to all the teachers that have helped me get to my current place in life. My main teacher was Bob Proctor for over 4.5 years. Other elite teachers I have studied under directly with 1:1 or Mastermind are Dan Lok, Barry Price, Sam Ovens, and Makhosi the Royal Shaman.

Some teachers I have studied from but in a larger group setting or in person event are the Shamans at Rythmia Life Advancement Center, Les Brown, Terry Real, Abraham Hicks, Alex Hormozi, Chase Chappell, and John Wineland. There are MANY other's including those I have taken courses from, but these are at least the few that have made the biggest impact on my journey so far.

The top authors / works that have impacted me the most are Neville Goddard, The Seth Material, and The Science of Getting Rich.

(The photo shown here is when I was at the one of the Wonder's of the World, the Colosseum, during the trip I took to Italy, where we visited Rome, Gaeta, Amalfi Coast (Sorento, Positano, Capri), and Venice (with Murano).)
January 2025
I received the inner call to set out on the journey of doing the plant medicine, Iboga, a native shrub to the rainforests of Africa.

Pictured here are the two Shaman's that guided me on my journey, Shaman Brad & Sarah. I first met them at Rythmia 3.5 years ago, and now, we meet again going deeper into plant medicine.

A lot of people hear about "Ibogaine" today from celebrities or podcasts. Ibogaine is a part of Iboga, but Iboga is the "whole" thing.

My journey was a very challenging one! I documented everything I possibly could about it in a 1 hour and 44 minute video on my YouTube Channel. If you want to check that out, here is the link: My Profound Psychedelic IBOGA Experience

Even though it was vastly challenging, it brought AMAZING gifts of deep healing, groundedness, inner peace, and immense clarity.

I am thankful for this deep experience.

Scott Haug
Scott Haug
It all comes down to Identity
All of this comes down to your energy (your Identity). Everything you're wanting to achieve and attract into your life starts there.

Yes, action and strategy OF COURSE are just as priority and needed. But without the aligned Identity part of you, all the action in the world won't do much.

Start within, shift your consciousness, and you are on your way!

Check out my social media profiles or our programs to get support the support you need on your amazing journey. I appreciate you.

(Pictured here is me at another one of the Wonder's of the World, Chichén Itzá, in Mexico)

Bring Your Life & Business To The Next Level with our Energetics Program!

Master Deep Manifestation (Energetics), exit your stuck 'energy loops' and your career to the highest level

Dive Deep Into Manifestation Energetics: 1-on-1 Mentoring with Scott, LIVE Coaching every week, a Soul Tribe, and a proven 5 Step Energetics System

  • Exit stuck energy loops around Abundance and Success
  • ​​Learn How To Have Soul Manifestations Happen
  • ​​Work 1-on-1 with Scott on Deep Energetics Realignment Work
  • ​Get LIVE guidance on a complete subconscious reprogram
  • Release old trauma's in 15min that are causing your limiting beliefs
  • ​Learn exactly how to enroll ideal clients consistently
  • Shift your Identity (Frequency) in 5min a day
  • Have the Business Vehicle to Create $100,000+ Income Months
  • ​Have the licensing rights to use our Manifestation Accelerator course
  • ​Align with your Million Dollar Soul Tribe
  • Create time and money freedom for yourself and family
  • ​​Become Certified as a Manifestation Coach if you desire to
  • Fulfill your purpose and create your Legendary Legacy

Join in our⚡️Prosperity Magnet Course! This is a community group of Deep Manifestation Teachings taught by Scott himself.

  • 💸 Complete Law of Attraction 5 Step System (Value $4,997)
  • ​💸 5 Day Challenge to Manifest $1,000+ (Value $2,997)
  • ​💸 LIVE Coaching & Q&A (Value $4,997)
  • ​🎁 Bonus: How to Create a $20,000/mo RECURRING Income (step by step) (Value $10,997)
  • ​🎁 Bonus: Parallel Reality Shifting Masterclass (Value $1,997)
  • ​🎁 Bonus: High Frequency Soul Tribe Community (Priceless)
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