Manifesting: Full Step-By-Step Guide 2021 (EXTREMELY VALUABLE!)
Written by Scott Haug on March 22nd, 2021
Manifesting: Full Step-By-Step Guide 2021 (EXTREMELY VALUABLE!)

Manifesting: Full Step-By-Step Guide 2021 🙌

Get a full out look on:

✅ How to manifesting your dream life

✅ What manifesting is exactly

✅ EXACT 5 Step Process to manifest anything you want

✅ What 4th Dimensional Thinking is and why it's incredibly important for you to understand

✅ Can you really alter your future? Answers explained

✅ Visual representation of manifestation to create simplicity for you

For Manifesting Everything You Want:

Doing this alone is hard, frustrating, and can lead to yet another year of failing to reach all of your financial goals.

I've been there before too. It's emotional and draining. Unfilled potential and lack of freedom are enormous drains on the Soul.

After I created my own transformation, I started teaching how I did it to thousands of others. And I put all of my learnings and discoveries into an exact system.

Discover this system right now and start manifesting EVERY SINGLE desire you have as soon as possible. Elevate your consciousness and become who you were born to be.

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Scott Haug

Scott Haug helps people who study personal development to actually apply the principles so they can manifest the physical results they truly desire.
He is an expert at helping people make permanent changes in their life and making things super simple to understand.

If you're interested in manifesting your desired results with more ease, speed, and consistency, join into our Manifestation Accelerator membership course and coaching today:
Scott Haug
Full Transcript

This video is going to blow you away and is probably going to be the most valuable manifesting resource you've ever gotten your hands on. And today's video. We're going to take you step-by-step exactly through how to manifest literally everything you could ever want to write down, any intention, whatever it is, the exact roadmap, the exact guide to actually make that a reality for you. As we get into this, it's going to leave out no detail. We're going to go through the exact manifesting knowledge you need in awareness, along with literally the method and technique to actually manifest what you want. Just before we jump into this very exciting video throw, like on the video, it's going to send out to a lot more people in this world and together we can raise a level of consciousness and make this world just that much more of a better place to live, click subscribe on the channel and then click the bell icon as well.

So you get notified when we send out stuff just like this manifesting guides, roadmaps, and things for you to use and get your hands on to allow yourself to manifest anything you desire. Let's jump right into it here. What you're about to see is the exact step-by-step training I did with my clients a little while back on this exact step-by-step full, exclusive training to manifesting everything you desire. Now, this training is so valuable and is so proven to work the exact training that you're about to see the methods. If you follow him, I had a client that manifested a high ticket, $5,000 more sale within 37 minutes of going through this training 37 minutes. And it wasn't some coincidence. It was divine happenings. And right now I'm not going to describe all the details of how it unfolded, but that was within 37 minutes. I've had a handful of clients also write down exactly what they want, follow the training, and they manifest what they wanted within two to three hours of writing it down.

Now, I also want to tell you, that's not everybody I've taught this training to a large handful of people and some of them manifested what they wanted within 24 hours, somewhere a few days, some they wrote down some it didn't come within a week to two weeks or so. Okay. So it's not every single time they're going to manifest within minutes to hours though. It's a very real possibility for you. Follow the guide. Step-by-step watch this video over and over and over again. Take notes, positive video, do the exercises. I'm about to show you. It's going to give you everything. You're going to need to allow yourself to experience the unfoldment of your greatest life, your dreams, your ambitions, more love and more abundance, more prosperity, and everything you could ever want to imagine. Let's jump right into it here. I hope you're very excited.

Let's jump in. Let's start manifesting the results you desire. Now, manifestation seems to be a cliche word. Now when you're in personal development and it feels like it's some sort of magic, you're manifesting things, right? You're opening your eyes up in having piles of gold and stacks of cash in your bank account or on your table next to you, right? It seems like magic thing that we're doing. It's not magic at all. We're just using our mind in the proper way. Like I was mentioning the only difference between any of us that are getting results or not, we're not better or worse than another person. Our results are better or worse than another person. That's it. And how

We're using our mind in the correct way or not the incorrect way, because there is no incorrect way of using it, but the improper way will produce more results or not. So manifestation is just about producing results that you want desirable results. It's not magic. It's not turning the invisible to the visible and like a science fiction movie or star Wars or something. Manifestation is the art of producing desirable results with certainty, bringing the invisible ideas to the visible over a time length, okay.

Let's jump right into it. It's going to be a Napa Goddard quote that we're going to go through first, a lot of words, but then we're going to go through some visuals and then the techniques of how to do it. So this is some real deep understanding and really some golden nuggets. So really pay attention to the words and put them visually today. So it's a little easier to learn as you're listening and see Never Goddard. Many persons, myself included have observed events before they occurred. That is before they occurred in this world of three dimensions Since man or woman can observe any event before it occurs in the three dimensions of space, the life on earth must proceed according to plan. And this plan must exist elsewhere in another dimension and be slowly moving through our space.

So just before I go further, as you can tell, this is pretty deep stuff already here and there. Okay. We're going to go through, I'm breaking it down. This is going to be the deep stuff, and then we're going to go simple, more simple, more simple. Okay. So it's going to get easier from here. If the occurring events were not in this world, when they were observed, then to be perfectly logical, they must have been out of the,

And whatever is there to be seen before it occurs here must be predetermined from the point of view of man or woman awake in a three-dimensional world. Thus, the question arises are we able to alter our future? So we've all been in certain places where you see things in your mind. So usually a negative thing, or you can tell, you have an argument with a partner, spouse or friend or family member, and that seems to happen the next day, or you think of somebody and they text you out of the blue within five minutes or that easy examples. Saying here is if we can have some sort of even inner urge or inner knowing intuition wise, there must be some predetermined set of events and what we're going to experience the rest of today tomorrow, next week, next month, it's predetermined.

He's asking the question, can we change that predetermined path? Are we able to alter our future path? Are we able to gain more money tomorrow or Friday or the weekends by changing ourselves? Is that possible? We got one more slide poll words that I'm going visual. Okay. So just one more here. My object in writing these pages is to indicate possibilities inherent in man or woman to show that man or woman can alter his or her future, but thus alternative forms, again, a deterministic sequence, starting from the point of interference, a future that will be consistent with the alteration, lots of words there. Okay, we're going to go through what that means, but what he's saying is if we can change our future and we do change it in this moment, there must be a new predetermined set of sequences. That's going to happen tomorrow based on our changes today and our choices and thoughts, the most remarkable feature of man's future is its flexibility. It is determined by his or her attitudes rather than by his or her acts. That's real good. That's like science of getting rich, right? That it doesn't matter what you do today. It matters what energy you're doing it with.

You don't get rich by doing certain things or certain acts in your business. You get rich by doing those acts in a certain way, with the right energy, with the right attitude, the right mood lesson nine of our program, the magic word attitude, the cornerstone on which all things are based is man or woman's concept of himself or herself or self image he or she acts as he does. And has the experiences that he does because his concept of it itself is what it is and for no other reason. So we experienced the people around us, the events that occurrences our business because of the self-image and concepts we're holding about herself. Had he had a different concept of South. He would act differently. A change of concept of self automatically alters his or her future. Pretty good. So if you change internally, automatically changes everything else that's going to happen. That's good stuff. And it changed in any term of his future series of experiences specifically alters his concept of self man or woman's assumptions, which he regards as insignificant produce effects that are considerable. Therefore, a man should revise his estimate of an assumption and recognize its creative power. Okay? Now you might've felt like

Holy, I have no idea what's going on here. Okay. If I were to read the, I have no idea actually how to use any of these words, okay? It's real deep stuff. But as you can tell, there's deeper and deeper elite levels to go and it's never ending. And you're going to get to a point where you know it all, you got it and you understand completely why every tiny thing happens in your life. That's a good thing because then you can change it and produce a desired feature you want, what's going to visual. So what in the world is Nemo got talking about and how can we use it so that you can produce whatever you want to everyday from here. So slope visual on the left-hand side, let's start there. We see three dimension of the space, experience and timeline. Okay? Real easy. You look around your space, go ahead and just look around really quick. Okay? You see your room there. It's like a box or maybe a circle or whatever we see up and down and left and right diagonals. We see dimensions that space easier to understand. And we experienced a timeline. We remember yesterday in the past right now in this moment is the present. And tomorrow is the future. We experienced these things happening in a sequence. Yes. So where you want to start taking some notes and imagination. I was mentioning this a little bit yesterday. Most people close their eyes and feel like it's just some random visualization exercise they're doing.

You're going to a higher plane. When you close your eyes, the higher plane is fourth, four dimensional, if you will. So if you look on the right hand side, there's three dimensions of space and the fourth dimension of time. Now let's make this even easier and more simple to think about. And your mind, you can see past memories. You might remember something when you did something as a kid, you might remember what you ate for breakfast yesterday morning could see it in your mind. You can see in your minds, this call right now. So you can see the present and you can guess, or visualize something that you desire to have happen in the future or something. You don't want to have happen. That you're fearing. So you can see all time in your mind. You could see your past. You could see the present, you could see the future. You can't end the physical flesh here. I can't see yesterday. I can't see tomorrow. I can only see now. Now, now, now, now, now, now, so my self, when I'm looking through my eyes, I can only see now in this physical space, but when I go within, I can see PEs now and future past, present and future.

Okay. Like I mentioned, it's going to get easier and more simple as we go through. I Brown make, got this so far and they can sense a little bit. So if we take these little boxes on the left-hand side, there, we only basically one thing that's going on it's now. But in our mind, we can see all the possible futures we can see them. Okay. You could see what your bank account looks like. If you had a million dollars in your checking of it's easy at see, just close your eyes and see a million dollars in your bank statement. Another possible feature is you have a hundred thousand dollars in your checking account, not a million dollars. Another possible future is where you are today. Maybe you have $20,000 in there or whatever. Yes. So there's many possible futures in our imagination. Okay? That's all we really wanted to know.

If you remember Nova Goddard's word, he talks about concept, whatever concept or holding of ourselves and our world is what we're experiencing. Go. One more slide. Deep here. Navy starts to see colors. So if in my mind I'm seeing that shaded purple future. Maybe I'm doubting and worrying about something that might happen in the future, or I'm fearing something. Since I'm activating that potential reality. In my mind, it hasn't come to pass, but I'm worrying about it. That will start to come into pass in the physical timeline, what I'm worrying about and doubting, I keep experiencing. If I hold the concept of myself, then I'm great at earning money, but I'm not great at keeping it. I'll keep experiencing that in my life. If I believe I'm always the person that has awesome luck, everything always works out for me. I will experience things that always work out for me.

If I change my concept into that, like peach kind of tan color there, if I start to assume and accept a new idea about myself, maybe used to be somebody that says nothing works out for me. And you kept experiencing that. And then you say, no, I want something different. And I now start to assume it in my mind, everything always works out for me. I changed the concept in my mind. I therefore start experiencing things in harmony with my new concept. I'm holding and accepting about myself. If I used to earn 10 grand a month, that's what I felt like I was worth. And I started to change the concept of myself and said, I now want to be worth 50 grand a month. And that's what I want. You'll start to experience things in harmony with that. As long as you accept that.

In alter our future, we start holding on accepting new ideas and possibilities in the mind. And that starts to experience in the physical flesh. Did that visual help? Does that make sense? So we're talking about here. This is thinking into results, accepting new ideas about yourself. Sometimes we're holding on to ideas about ourselves and our world that are way out of date. And the only challenge that we all have is that sometimes we argue a way, the new possibility, because we don't see how it's going to happen, Or we're very deeply ingrained with our own paradigm or programming. We always believe we're this way. The art of manifesting is opening yourself up and realizing that there's so many possibilities and saying, Hmm, could I do this? Could I be this person now from now on? Could I earn this? Can I do this?

There's a lot going on here. So I just want to sink in. I'm going to give you steps on kind of what to do next, but to sink this in for a second. So when we talk about affirmations being spiritual truths, they are, you're activating a new potential reality. When you do your visualization. When you listen into audios on repeat, whatever it is, you're constantly activating the reality you do want. The only thing that keeps us awake from it is our consistent and chronic doubt. We're going to erase all that down on today's session.

So, what do we do and how do we do this? And what's a little more understanding to make this real practical for you to use. Number one, we want to select a future. We do want that's a little tan box that we shaded in and you do this by seeing an end scene of your desired result in your imagination. You don't have to see what's going to happen in between because we're not guessing the universe knows way more than I do and knows it's way more than you do. You don't have to guess on how it's going to unfold or when it's going to unfold the universe. That's his job. That's his presence here is to hold your concept and actually bring into fruition in the least possible resistant path. So that's all we want to do is select an end scene. We see the end. We don't see the metal. We just see an end scene. So if you want an increase in 50 grand in your checking account, you only see the unseen of you signing into your bank account and seeing that on the, of your laptop or whatever

Number two is we activate that and seen through strong emotion. And you do this by feeling the scene to be real using breath and music, to help kind of like what we were talking about on yesterday's call. We went through with Stacy and Carly and Hollis. If you're on the call.

So we activate that tan space right there through strong emotion feeling as if it's real, cause remember feeling is vibration. So you're literally fusing with that state. Number three, you let the universe take care of how and when the unfoldment happens, you do this by opening our eyes after visualizing thinking of something else and going to increase people. So you become an instrument and beacon of lights, you impress the increase of all things. So you are serving, you're helping, you're giving, you're doing all the things that you can being a vessel,

And not overthinking on how it's all gonna unfold and happen. So you're still taking action. Action is a very, very clear idea and tool that we're all using at all times, but we're not trying to figure out how it's all going to happen. We let it unfold as we're giving as best we can.

And number four, great thing to write down for your notes. As you do this, a bridge of incidence is set in motion by the universe. A beautiful way. Never got her. It says bridge of incense as his phrase right there. So there's no need to doubt nor worry. You understand that there's a natural progression unfoldment of your disease.

So if you want 20 new customers to buy your product, okay, you don't put the date meeting. I need to have it by tonight because the need and the attachment to that will ultimately not allow it to manifest because you had the absence feeling of it not being here. So you say, I want 20 new customers. You select that end scene. You activate it through positive emotion.

Your eyes up and you let it go and you don't overthink. And what's going to start to happen is you're going to have two things happen. Number one, serendipitous things will start to happen. Somebody might reach out to you. You talk to two years ago out of the blue texts, call you whatever it is. You might go to the cafe later today because you want to grab a cup of coffee. And the person in line in front of you was at the right place at the right time and needed to buy your product. And they also have 10 other people that want to buy your product right now.

Second thing that's going to happen is you're going to have impulses. You're going to have inspired ideas, how to serve better, new possibilities for business or life or whatever it is. As long as you follow those impulses and ideas, and you don't argue them away with logic, you will start to unfold this beautiful path and experience your desired state. So it's called a bridge Vincent, because you'll reach an incident here and a positive incident there, and a positive incident there to allow the unfoldment of your desired place. That's one, we've all had it before where these coincidence is pop up out of nowhere. That's what this is. That's why those things happen. You were at the right place at the right time. It's what we call divine timing of core to his divine timing. Cause he, you sat in the motion of this universe to ultimately experience that thing. I tell it very simple and easy one that I've mentioned to all of you before. When I experienced just passing Les Brown. When I was exiting a whole foods and he was entering in Miami when I wasn't even living here just yet, the bridge of incidence allowed both of us, both lads and myself to experience all the things, all the moments, leading up to a coincidence at the exact time at the right time. And the only time that we could have passed each other.

So you set in motion, the things that you need to. So when you open your eyes up, nothing's going to happen. When you visualize you open your eyes up. We mentioned this on yesterday's call. Don't expect your entire world to me made out of gold because he visualized, okay, what you're doing is you open your eyes up. Nothing happens. Don't expect anything to happen, but you set in motion. Now the things that are attracting to you to make that a possible reality for you. So step number four, it gives you faith. Okay? Making sense. Good

Maybe took a screenshot of this. Now we're going to apply this. I'm going to give you the practical techniques. So the last slide here, okay? When you're manifesting, you don't use logic. You don't need to ask yourself, am I doing this right? Is it working? How am I going to have this happen?

It's not a logical thing to create a thing. Logic and creativity are both essential. Don't use logic for manifestation. Now logic is not numbers oriented or systems oriented. It's an energy thing. It's a feeling more than a thought. So when you're doing this, you don't need to logically think, is this the right move? Is this the right move? Is this right? Is this right? Like questioning, but instead feel into that's a skill. So some will it easier than others. Some of you are more intuitive than others now, but some of you are working on increasing your intuition and strengthening that creative side. If you have, so you can have a well balanced, left and right brain, if you will increasing in serving, people's important needs to be in harmony with spirit and spirits, forever expansion expression. So the more you increase others, the more you'll be in the receptive mode to increase you. So how do you not overthink your goals and the desires and things you want to manifest is a, let them go by helping people. You don't focus on your struggle. You focus on helping people. And that starts to increase all. If you feel like tipping, an extra 50 bucks to an Overdriver, then do it. Follow your impulse, follow your guidance of service and helping.

Universe will reward you for all positive things that you put out, including thoughts, feeling intense. Emotion is very important. We're going to cover that a little bit on the next slide, using music and rapid breathing to really feel into it. If you don't feel anything, you're not activating that future. Okay? So it's very, very important, except the ideas you desire to have in your life, don't argue them away. So I'll tell some people why not. What if you charge, you know, double what you're charging now don't get me 3000 reasons why it can't happen. They're arguing the way their own success. It's just an ego that takes over our paradigm takes over rather than our higher side. Instead ponder about it. What if I did? What would it look like? What are the benefits? If you have an impulse, an idea that you want to go after, what are the benefits? Can I do this? Would it be good if I did this find why? Find why you can reasons why he can Remember using infinite awareness properly. Infinite awareness is God, it is universe and knows more than you and I, and I've already mentioned that as well

Is impossible to actually figure out how the universe all does this and connects a fabric. It's like electricity. Okay? We can see the manifestation of electricity in the lights and things that surround us. But to actually know what electricity is, is the very fundamental nature. You don't have to know how it is when you click your light switch on every morning, it just do it. So same thing goes to manifestation. You have to figure out how the universe is doing all this. Just use it. There's a great quote that goes, some people are always studying the roots of the tree and spend their entire life understanding why the Apple tree can grow apples, but never eats an Apple. And then there's another fair share of people that just go to the tree and eat the delicious apples To choose who you spend a lot of time trying to figure it all out, or just accept the idea and watch things.

As well. Don't ask yourself, is this working? Am I doing it right? You'll know by the feeling you're in. That's how you know, if you feel really, really good, it's working. It's fine. Don't question it. Allow it to unfold and make this a fun game. It is fun when you know the rules. All right, we ready to put this in practice? Okay. Some of you have already been doing this with me. Uh, Matt, I don't believe around the collar here. Let me just stick a look really quick.

Now Mattson the opulence mastermind. That's my higher level program. If you're thinking of results here. Okay. I, it was, let's see, two weeks, almost two weeks ago on our Wednesday opulent session, 32 minutes, you manifest a new deal, a new client we're on the session. It was about an hour and 15 minutes long. We did the same exercise. He received a text out of the blue completely unexpectedly. And the thing he wrote down in words, 32 minutes ago, manifested in the exact words that he was looking to do. Okay. So just a prime example. Okay. So anything is possible. All things are possible. All things won't manifest now, some will some won't some will take a week to manifest because remember the universe is aligning all the things that needs to happen. If you're trying to meet the one person that you want to meet, that person might not be located where you're at right now, and may take a week for you to fly together and actually experience that I didn't live by Les Brown. So it took some time for us to actually be at the right place at the right time for us to match up for this. So if it doesn't manifest in minutes or hours or days, it doesn't mean it's not working. It's aligning, aligning, aligning for all things. They desire. Some things are ready for it. Now some things are a little bit later.

So we're going to do this all together. I would take out a separate sheet of paper from your notes, either in your journal that you're writing in or a separate sheet of paper, Maybe take a screenshot of this before we start the exercise. So you always have this in your back pocket for your notes. Of course, the replay will be available. Let's do some screenshots gone through And try your best to be in a place that you're going to be undisturbed for.

Let's get started. Step number one, write down one desirable thing you want. It could be big, small expected, unexpected, anything write in present tense. Okay. Just one thing. Doesn't have to be your goal. It can be anything you want to be gifted. An unexpected spiritual gift,

Down something and don't put a timeline on it. So it doesn't need to say tonight or tomorrow or next week, don't put a timeline on it. Just the thing that you want. It could be a concept that you want. Vibrant health

Now, like I mentioned yesterday, do you want the free cup of coffee to save you $5? Now, if it's want a free cup of coffee to watch his manifestation, beautiful ideas happen. If you will prime one that you hear speakers talk about all the time as a parking space, Big, small, and extra $5,000.

It in present tense. I have now received $5,000 unexpectedly. I have now received a free cup of coffee While you're writing it down. I'm just going to add one more quick word into this.

Once you got that down, you don't need to close your eyes just yet, but just listen into number two. Number three, you're going to close your eyes, create the end scene in your imagination of something that would happen. If the desirable thing was already in her life, you're selecting that scene. So if you're receiving a free cup of coffee, you don't have to see the person. You don't have to see the location. Just feel somebody actually handing you a very warm, hot cup of coffee to you. So feel you accepting the warm cup of coffee. Feel it in your hands. If it's $5,000 unexpectedly that you just received, open your laptop in your mind, sign into your bank account, whatever it is. See the extra five grand in your bank account. If it's five new customers or two new customers that you just actually got, whatever it is in your business and the NCN and see something that would happen. See a spreadsheet of you adding the names. If that's how you do your thing or software, that you would see a new customer in there, a new invoice that you send out. If that's how you work your business, whatever, it would be an end thing that would happen. If this is terrible, thing happens.

Okay. Now we're not going through that just yet. I will. I'll let you know when we're actually going through what we need to cover. Step three and step four so that you know what you're doing when you're closing your eyes. So after you select that scene, number three, feel thrill, emotion or exhilaration, joy, love, whatever it is that this desirable thing is real and here now. Okay. So if you received an extra $5,000 in your bank account, it feel like thrill like hell yeah. Like that feeling like, yeah, that's awesome. Okay. Whatever it is that you get thrilled by feel that feeling in your mind as if it's real, how do you do it? You breathe rapidly breathing into your scene and how you breathe into it. Just focusing on the scene, focus on the end scene in your mind and breathe into it and using music. I'm going to turn on music for us, but that will help stimulate that. Okay. Feel into it.

Step number four, hold that emotion for five seconds saying inner speech as if this is real. So you're starting to feel thrilled your song or feel thrilled. He says, thank you so much. I just now received $5,000 extra in my bank account. Okay. Whatever it is. So matching an inner speech in your own head in your own minds as if this thing has done. Thank you so much for this warm cup of coffee I now received. So it's a conviction in your phrase that you say in your mind that matches your end scene. So I've already mentioned nothing will happen when you open your eyes, but he just said emotion, the bridge of incidents to allow you to experience this thing. Let go of the idea by thinking about something else. And we'll go ahead and do number five and six later on. Okay. So right now I'm going to start turning on some music.

Number two, number three and number four, what we're doing together. So again, closing your eyes, see the end scene. Select that end scene. Start feeling thrilled. Joy exhilaration is this. This thing is done by using your breath and using the music and listening into and feeling into the NCN as if it's done in real, holding that on the screen of your mind for five seconds, matching a phrase to it. I now did this, this thing now just happens old it then open your eyes and then we'll go on to our next step. Should take you 30 seconds or less because we're going to do that same exercise for four more things, repeating the steps, seeing an end scene. That's different. Mixing it up. If you just did a big thing, you want to do a small thing. If he did a small thing, do a big thing. If you want a new couch in your living room, put the couch down, Whatever it is that you want, maybe do something that's huge million dollars you just received this month in your business. No need to argue it away. Not even doing anything around it. You're just putting it out there.

So I'm going to leave the music on for two full minutes. It'll be your job to once you feel the thrill and the emotion to open your eyes back up, go on to your next one. And again, we're doing four more desirable wants not altogether. You're doing one at a time. Still do one of your wants and seen emotion phrase. Open your eyes once you open your eyes, go to your next one. Next one. Next one. So we're doing four more in a row,

And again, I got you covered on any questions you may have after doing exercise and after today's session. So next don't look at what you wrote down. Oh, you put that piece of paper, file it away. If you're writing in your journal flips page, You don't need to remember what you just

And I'd recommend redoing steps. One through six, three times a day, morning, afternoon, evening could be before bed. But sometimes when you're listening to the music, you get really energized and excited and then it's a little challenging to fall asleep. So you need to do it at 8:00 PM and you're going to bed at 10 or whatever it is. Do it a little bit more in the evening.

And as you start to accumulate your manifestations, post every manifestation in our group, when something comes into physical form, now you're never bragging and not saying, look at me, I got a cup of coffee or look at me. I got an extra a hundred grand. Okay, whatever it is. Okay. This is part of the game of manifestation to believe that these are just regular rules of how our world works. Not feeling like it's magic or Oh my God. It happened at one time. It can happen again or anything like that. We want you to have the phrase. Of course this happened. I understand how I'm using my mind. And the more you can post certainty into our group of your manifestations, the more you'll feel comfortable knowing that this is just how the process works. Is that magic. The more you can believe that it's just a process and not magic will age you in all unfoldment. Very, very fast. Okay? That's it for this session, powerful, deeper than what we usually cover. Probably some of the deepest stuff that you could possibly go through on a session of this caliber

And allowing you to remember this. So of course the surface recorded, I'm actually going to post this in the bonus section of our figure results. 2.0 platform. And I'll of course just put in the replay into our Facebook group as usual, but you'll have this forever a technique, a practical way for you to make sure you have the proper understanding. Plus the exercise in my own life. This works all the time. And I do this three times a day. Every day, you can manifest concepts of yourself, how you want people to your friends and family love and adore you. That you're the most important person in the room. And everyone's well-respected towards you back. I know I see DNA you're right here on my screen and saw you in person last week, I was doing this in-person last week during our consultant training and being one of the most well-respected people in the room, people were coming up to me, man.

You're well-respected, you're one of the kindness and friendliest people out there. And that's what I wrote down. Doug Dane on stage, if you can remember, uh, Dina said one of the friendliest consultants, if not the friendliest, kindest, wonderful consultant and PGI Scott Houck. And that's when I went on on stage. So this stuff works for anything that you could possibly want increase in health, increase in concept of self-confidence the way you walk, the way you want to be perceived by other people, material, objects, whatever you want. I would do this everyday again, three times a day.

Tuesday, we'll be going even deeper, but not too much deeper giving another practical application of this, making sure you're practicing this, manifesting everything you want. No doubt and no worry it's going to happen. It's all going to unfold. Let the universe work you versus greater than all of us. We are the universe, our higher sides. Our egos are little lesser. Okay. Let's open up for any questions you might have. Go ahead and raise your hand. Do you have any questions on what we discussed today? Ideas on the practical application and for this call, it would be very wise about your questions, because remember, you don't want to question the process too much as to get back in doubt and worry mode after the session here. Okay.

Manifestation Coach, Manifestation Program

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