Full Transcript
Motivation manifestation meditation and today's meditation. And we're going to stimulate your feeling of motivation, your feeling of inspiration and moving yourself forward in your day with a lighter energy and today's meditation, or we're going to be doing a repeated affirmation over and over. So we can get this idea of watching your subconscious mind as it does. So allows you to behave and feel motivated throughout your day, throughout your week throughout your month. The information we're going to be saying out loud is I am filled with excitement for my life. Every day I am motivated to be, to do and have all the greatest things. Life can offer me this affirmation. We're going to repeat for 60 minutes straight, and it's highly suggested to listen into this every day for 14 days straight to allow your mind to actually be saturated by the idea that you're a motivated individual, motivation comes from within. So what we're really doing is just extracting and point out the motivation you already have within yourself by activating that within your energy. Absolutely. When you're listening into this as well, I would repeat the affirmation in your mind. So try to actually say it in your mind, as I'm saying it in the meditation. And what this is going to do is allow that to intensify your thoughts, to intensify and gain emotional, therefore allowing it to drop into the subconscious mind, let's get started right away here.
I am filled with excitement from my life every day I am motivated to be, do, and have all the greatest things. Life can offer me. I am filled with excitement from my life every day I am motivated to be, do, and have all the greatest things. Life can offer me. I am filled with excitement from my life every day I am motivated to be, do, and have all the greatest things. Life can offer me. I am filled with excitement for my life. Every day I am motivated to be, do, and have all the greatest things. Life can offer me. I am filled with excitement for my life. Every day I am motivated to be, do, and have all the greatest things. Life can offer me. I am filled with excitement from life every day I am motivated to be, do, and have all the greatest things. Life can offer me. I am filled with excitement from my life every day I am motivated to be, do, and have all the greatest things. Life can offer me. I am filled with excitement from my life every day I am motivated to be, do, and have all the greatest things. Life can offer me.
Manifestation Coach, Manifestation Program