Law of Attraction INCREASE FAITH MANIFESTING MEDITATION | 60 Minute Repeated Affirmation
Written by Scott Haug on August 9th, 2021
Law of Attraction INCREASE FAITH MANIFESTING MEDITATION | 60 Minute Repeated Affirmation

Would you like to increase your faith and belief in knowing that the Universe is always by your side?

In this law of attraction manifesting meditation, you will start attracting the good you desire INSTANTLY!    

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Scott Haug

Scott Haug helps people who study personal development to actually apply the principles so they can manifest the physical results they truly desire.
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Scott Haug
Full Transcript

Law of attraction, increase faith, manifesting meditation, and this meditation. And we're going to work on increasing your faith and belief within yourself and this world belly manifests really, according to our belief, if we believe in good things and good happenings are always going to be around us, we're going to attract circumstances that prove that point. If we believe that bad happenings or things are supposed to go well for us, we'll also prove that point. So it really all comes down to belief. If I increase my belief level in myself, which is self-confidence, if I increase the belief level of the universe, knowing that the universe is always on my side and helping and aiding me out, if I also believe in increase my faith in the manifestation process and the invisible forces at work, helping and pulling and attracting towards me, the good I desire.

If I start to increase all of those beliefs and faith, I will start to prove that fact and get better results in my life and the meditation today. We're going to listen into one affirmation on repeat, and that affirmation is I believe in the invisible forces all around me, helping me attract the good I desire. I accept and know there's a loving universe who wants me to win in life. Now this affirmation is going to be repeated over and over and over for the next hour. And why that is, is because we want to have this stock process be dominant in our mind to easy is it to have lists and lists of affirmations, but really make no great changes and reprogramming your mind in the meditation today. We're going to focus on that one idea, my focusing just on that one idea, and you hear it over and over, you want to also feel the idea you want to get into the emotion and feeling as if this affirmation as if this idea was true. A great way to do that is by really listening into the words you're hearing, and then repeating them back to yourself. Try to look to do this affirmation, this meditation for the next 30 days straight, do a little bit in the morning, a little bit in the afternoon and a little bit, and even allowing yourself to be saturated by this affirmation. Let's get started.

I believe in the invisible forces all around me, helping me attract the good I desire. I accept. And now there's a loving universe that wants me to win In life. I believe In the invisible forces all around me, helping me attract the good I desire. I accept. And now there's a loving universe who wants me to win In life. I believe in The invisible forces all around me, helping me attract the good I desire. I accept and know there's a loving universe who wants me to Win in life. I believe In the invisible forces all around me, helping me attract the good I desire. I accept. And now there's a loving universe who wants me to win In life. I believe In the invisible forces all around me, helping me attract the good I desire. I accept and know there's a loving universe who wants me to win I believe in the Invisible forces all around me, helping me attract the good I desire. I accept and know there's a loving universe wants me to win In life. I believe In the invisible forces all around me, helping me attract the good I desire. I accept and know there's a loving universe who wants me to win In life.

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