Eliminate Your Limited Money Thinking [Law Of Attraction Mastery] - Episode 4
Written by Scott Haug on December 1st, 2021
Eliminate Your Limited Money Thinking [Law Of Attraction Mastery] - Episode 4

Are you making the desired income you want? Are you satisfied with your life financial status right now?

If you are not happy where you are at now then it's time to eliminate your limited money thinking by listening in to this video!   

For Manifesting Everything You Want:

Doing this alone is hard, frustrating, and can lead to yet another year of failing to reach all of your financial goals.

I've been there before too. It's emotional and draining. Unfilled potential and lack of freedom are enormous drains on the Soul.

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Scott Haug

Scott Haug helps people who study personal development to actually apply the principles so they can manifest the physical results they truly desire.
He is an expert at helping people make permanent changes in their life and making things super simple to understand.

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Scott Haug
Full Transcript

I want you to visualize this. See every day, everyone congratulating. No, I have to go back to the original. You don't have to go back to when they told you limiting thoughts just on a daily basis. See that as a repeated event, then congratulating you

Okay. You can use all the different exercises you find in our accelerator, in our certification, right? We have that one whole module that gives you 26 or 27 different exercises on one PDF, right? That gives you everything that you can work on within that. So it was all the techniques, but you want to ingrain this in your mind. Today's call opened you up. You became aware of the limiting thought the limiting energy needed to release why it was there, how it change it. And now we just need to reinforce it after the call. So 50% of the work was on the call today. 50% will be off the call integrating this new awareness into your life. Does that make sense for everyone? So that's where the work's going to come in just a little bit. Okay. So on these calls, we really do some fantastic work, but remember it even takes place after the calls.

It's like somebody going to church every Sunday, right? That's fantastic. And that's very good. They're in the environments there, uh, being an awareness of whatever it is okay. That they're studying and being with in a religion, but then even Monday's Workday, they want to walk the act, right? It's not like, oh, I'm really good at that time on Sunday. And then Monday through Saturday is all hell break this, right? It's not going to help you out. So you want to walk the path as best. You can just takes a little micro habit and moving that forward as work. Isn't always that easy. It's easier to do it on the call, right? Because you have accountability of direction, everything else, but it's still painful sometimes to go through that and take the time and the energy to actually write things down and search within and everything else.

Right. That's why it's some of the hardest work in the world. And a lot of people will avoid this. Okay. They'd rather just sit down and watch a movie. I think he'll do that. Absolutely myself. Okay. Sometimes we want to distract ourselves. You know, I'd rather go do this than do somebody going to work. And it's absolutely a balance. It should not just be in a work all day of your life. You want to involve fun and joyous activity and spontaneousness and adventure. Absolutely. It's just a balance of doing both. All right. One more thing. One of the other major themes of the call today, the limiting idea was it's. I need to hold onto this money because there's no way I'm going to have another big month. So this is a limiting thought of my own capability. If I feel like that big money will only come around one time, I am actually doubting my abilities, super, super important. I'm doubting my money, making ability and business. I'm doubting my business skill. I'm doubting who I am. Let's do it a little example. How many of you have ever made consistently a thousand dollars a month? Any currency, us dollars or anything else? How many of you have consistently made a thousand dollars or more per month? Pretty much all of you.

Okay. That time, whether it was from a job, a business, whatever it was that that money consistently came from a measly thousand dollars per month. Okay. You brought that in consistently, but most likely you weren't doubting daily as the next thousand dollars going to come.

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