Manifesting Affirmation To Manifest ANYTHING You Want | Listen For 21 Days!
Written by Scott Haug on March 26th, 2021
Manifesting Affirmation To Manifest ANYTHING You Want | Listen For 21 Days!

To manifest anything, we need to feel the thing we desire is here and now.

We do this in our Imagination.

We see an end scene of it being done.

And then feel it to be true today by matching our inner speech with it.

It's important to note that when we feel it to be true, it goes into our subconscious mind and will begin to take form.


To have this work, we need to deeply become aware that we are "Energetic Beings living in this Energetic World."

We want to think in those terms.

To be those terms.

I made a video today to help you assist in that.

It's an affirmation video of that repeated idea over and over.

As always, we go 10,000X deeper into this process in our Manifestation Accelerator course.

Where there are exact action items and way deeper content!

But for today, this video can be something that helps you on your journey and supplements what we do here.

Check it out!

For Manifesting Everything You Want:

Doing this alone is hard, frustrating, and can lead to yet another year of failing to reach all of your financial goals.

I've been there before too. It's emotional and draining. Unfilled potential and lack of freedom are enormous drains on the Soul.

After I created my own transformation, I started teaching how I did it to thousands of others. And I put all of my learnings and discoveries into an exact system.

Discover this system right now and start manifesting EVERY SINGLE desire you have as soon as possible. Elevate your consciousness and become who you were born to be.

Learn about AND join into my Manifestation Accelerator course and coaching RIGHT NOW by Clicking Here.

Scott Haug

Scott Haug helps people who study personal development to actually apply the principles so they can manifest the physical results they truly desire.
He is an expert at helping people make permanent changes in their life and making things super simple to understand.

If you're interested in manifesting your desired results with more ease, speed, and consistency, join into our Manifestation Accelerator membership course and coaching today:
Scott Haug
Full Transcript

Manifesting affirmation to manifest anything you want. One of the greatest ways and easiest ways we can manifest what we want is coming into full awareness, full conscious awareness of who we truly are. Sometimes we forget this at the surface, when we're doing day to day things we want to zone in and remember exactly who we are, an energetic being, living in this energetic world and all of our desires, everything that we want to manifest, it's just sheer energy.

So if we zone into who we really are, all things become possible to, and through us in this affirmation audio, you're going to hear the repeated statement. I am an energetic being, living in this energetic world. It's going to be on repeat over and over and over for the next 15 minutes. And I encourage you to listen to this video for 21 days straight for at least 10 minutes daily so that you really become absorbed in this idea and concept of who you really are.

It's going to make all things possible to, and through you pay attention to the audio as you go through it, listening to the words, imagine as if you are an energetic being, living in an energetic world, see yourself in abundance to yourself in prosperity, see yourself in all of the possessions and all the things that you care to manifest into your life.

Here we go. Let's begin. I am an energetic being living in this energetic world. I am an energetic being living in this energetic world. I am an energetic being living in this energetic world. I am an energetic being living in this energetic world. 

I am an energetic being living in this energetic world. I am an energetic being living in this energetic world. I am an energetic being living in this energetic world. I am an energetic being living in this energetic world. 

I am an energetic being living in this energetic world. I am an energetic being living in this energetic world. I am an energetic being living in this energetic world. I am an energetic being living in this energetic world...

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